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Text File  |  1995-10-22  |  14KB  |  199 lines

  2. █████ The Arsenal Files 5
  4. █████ Disc Two of Two
  5. █████ Renegade BBS Related
  6. █████ PATH: \RENEGADE
  8. 1LINERG.ZIP     37723  08-12-95  Tristo Software 1LINE for Renegade!
  9.                                | Smaller - Better - Faster
  10.                                | 1Liner Program To Display Many 1Liners
  11.                                | Boxed.  MultiNode Supported.
  12. AL2RG11O.ZIP    33039  09-07-95  ALIMPORT - Allfix ─» Renegade Importer This
  13.                                | program will take the setup in allfix and
  14.                                | import it to Renegade. If you set up the file
  15.                                | areas in allfix then run this and it will
  16.                                | update Renegade FileBases!
  17. DIZHTC07.ZIP    74589  05-06-95  DIZHATCH.EXE V.06 Allfix hatch replacement
  18.                                | Now has direct support for Renegade BBS.
  19.                                | Hatches files with either a file_id.diz
  20.                                | or desc.sdi in archive. FileNet app inc.
  21. FILELITE.ZIP     4703  05-03-95    A Dragons Mistress Production
  22.                                |   Fantasy Warez, Ink. Presents
  23.                                |     File Find Light Bar Menu
  24.                                |     Text Search, File Search,
  25.                                |       Scan File Area, Quit
  26.                                |   for all RENEGADE BBS versions
  27.                                |     A FREE BEE FROM US TO YOU
  28. FLMAK525.ZIP    47539  05-06-95  FLMAKE v5.25 (03-10-95). The Ultimate Online
  29.                                | Filelist Maker Utility. Verifies The User Has
  30.                                | Access To Each Area Then Archives The Textfil
  31.                                | Then Sends It To The User. Totally Configurab
  32.                                | And Now Also A Sysop Commandline Mode Too!
  33.                                | Now Supports Both 5 Line And 10 Line
  34.                                | Description Versions Of Renegade.
  35. GBYELITE.ZIP     4942  05-11-95    A Dragons Mistress Production
  36.                                |   Fantasy Warez, Ink. Presents
  37.                                |       Logoff Light Bar Menu
  38.                                |     Yes logoff, No Stick around,
  39.                                |          Leave feedback
  40.                                |       The best available
  41.                                |   for all RENEGADE BBS versions
  42.                                |     A FREE BEE FROM US TO YOU
  43. GOLNR100.ZIP    47953  08-12-95  GOLiners v1.0 - The definitive oneliner
  44.                                | utility for Renegade.  Dupe/empty checking,
  45.                                | random fg/bg colours, remove/replace strings,
  46.                                | logging, multinode, blacklisting, subliminal
  47.                                | messages, sysop override and much more.
  48. M0R0595.ZIP     19499  05-01-95  <======__________ ______ _______======>
  49.                                |  %%%%%||='       ||='   ||='    |%%%%%
  50.                                |  %%%%%|;  ∙      |;  ∙  |;  ½   |%%%%%
  51.                                |  %%%%%|'  :  ∙   |'  :  |'  ∙   |%%%%%
  52.                                |  %%%%%|   |  :   |   |  |   :  <%%%%%%
  53.                                |  %%%%%|   |__|___|______|___|   |%%%%%
  54.                                |  %%%od|___|MaY^PaCk^NitYfiVE|___|od%%%
  55.                                | <========;MaXiNG:OUt:RENEGAdE;========>
  56. MCCOL104.ZIP   145017  07-16-95  ┌────┬────┐       ┌──────┌───────┌───┐
  57.                                | │    │   ┌──────┐ │   ┌──│   ┌─┐ │   │
  58.                                | │  │   │ │   ┌──┘ │   └──│   └─┘ │   └──┐
  59.                                | └──┴───┴─│   └──┐ └──────└───────└──────┘
  60.                                | ■═══─────└──────┘─··· ···───────────════■
  61.                                | ║ McColor v1.04 - komfortables Einstel- ║  
  62.                                | │ len der Farben von McMail!  Speichern │  
  63.                                | │ und laden von Einstellungen, WYSIWYG- │  
  64.                                | │ Darstellung des McMail-Screens, Maus- │  
  65.                                | │ bedienung, SAA-Oberfläche. Mit vielen │  
  66. MCICHK11.ZIP     4443  09-17-95   MCICheck v1.10 for Renegade v10-05
  67.                                |  ──────────────────────────────────
  68.                                | Check For MCI Codes In New User Info
  69.                                |  Prevents MCI Code Loops & Lockups!
  70.                                |         Requires 4DOS v5.5x
  71. NOCODE11.ZIP    12779  07-23-95  NOCODE 1.01 for Renegade BBS Sysops!
  72.                                | Removes carat color codes, pipe color
  73.                                | codes, and/or MCI codes from any file!
  74. OE10053.ZIP    165387  08-20-95   _____          ___      _   _
  75.                                | |     |_ _ ___ | __|  _ (_)_| |_
  76.                                | |  ∙  | | | ∙ || _| _| || |_   _|
  77.                                | |_____|\_/|_|_\|___|_∙_||_| |_|
  78.                                |   OvrEdit v10-05.3 for Renegade
  79.                                |   THIS IS THE VERSION YOU HAVE BEEN
  80.                                |              WAITING FOR!
  81.                                | OvrEdit v10-05.3 now  contains almost
  82.                                | ALL  the  strings you  could POSSIBLY
  83.                                | want  to edit  including  the message
  84. RCIDV500.ZIP    69341  07-19-95  RCid v5.00 Caller ID for Renegade Copyright
  85.                                | (C) 1995 John Otsuka; All rights reserved.
  86.                                | Not much changes.  I just removed the
  87.                                | Registeration system.
  88. RG12LAST.ZIP    33213  08-14-95  RG12LAST The FINAL Lastcaller Program For RG!
  89.                                | Very, Very Configurable! Colors And Number of
  90.                                | callers. 7 Different Headers!
  91. RGFRC15.ZIP     11714  08-19-95  ReneGade Fix Replies Chains v1.50 - For Reneg
  92.                                | BBS's involved in large amounts of echo mail
  93.                                | keep a somewhat accurate reply linkage. Very
  94.                                | at linking 1000s of messages.  1.50 now updat
  95.                                | the reply count and can handle Internet forma
  96.                                | bases.  RGFRC uses the subject linking method
  97.                                | is able to find the bases that need updating.
  98.                                | Helps SysOps and users read messages!  For
  99.                                | Renegade 12/25/93+ and 80286+ only!
  100. RGFREQ11.ZIP    10033  08-20-95  RGfreq v1.10 [FREEWARE]
  101.                                | Copyright 1995 Intuitive Vision Software.
  102.                                | --------------------------------------------
  103.                                | RGfreq will compile a FileRequest Listing
  104.                                | from your Renegade v5/09 or later File Bases.
  105.                                | RGfreq will compile a list that is known to
  106.                                | be fully compatible with T-Mail, Frontdoor
  107.                                | and Intermail.
  108. RGHAK100.ZIP   123726  07-12-95  RGHAK - Renegade Fake Hacker Door!
  109.                                | The realistic Renegade Hacker Program
  110.                                | Try it, I busted so many users it isn't
  111.                                | even funny!
  112. RGLST102.ZIP   106925  08-19-95  ┌──── RGLister v1.02 by Justin Day ────┐
  113.                                | │  A RG files system replacement door  │
  114.                                | │    ■  21-line file descriptions      │
  115.                                | │    ■  Lightbar Menu/Flag/Info        │
  116.                                | └ And lots more!   Not a hack, get it! ┘
  117.                                | ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐
  118.                                | │ Other features include:              │
  119.                                | │    ■  Never edits RG files           │
  120.                                | │    ■  Perfectly pauses (no cut desc) │
  121.                                | │    ■  Pipe/Carrot Code Support       │
  122. RGNSC13.ZIP     13532  05-27-95  Renegade Node Status Checker 1.30 - Stops non
  123.                                | multi-node doors that are already running and
  124.                                | notifies the user on why.  Now has options to
  125.                                | free you from remembering the activity string
  126.                                | and to send a message to any or all nodes.
  127.                                | 286+, DOS 3.0+ required.
  128. RGRUMORS.ZIP    70077  07-29-95  RGRUMORS v4.0 |15- Rumors Program For Rene
  129.                                | Best rumors program you've ever seen. Pick
  130.                                | different rumor styles. Design your own
  131.                                | styles. Configurable strings. MCI Codes
  132.                                | can be toggled off or on. DOWNLOAD THIS
  133. RGSL0895.ZIP     9315  08-23-95  ┌─Official Renegade Support BBS Listing
  134.                                | ├─Listing of all 'official' Renegade
  135.                                | ├─support BBSs; endorsed by the Renegade
  136.                                | ├─Support Network (RGSNet).
  137.                                | └─Current as of August 23, 1995
  138. RGTOP100.ZIP    24785  07-18-95  RGTOP v1.00 -- Renegade Top Users Statistics.
  139.                                | Compiles statistics on  top  users in 9 diff-
  140.                                | erent categories and outputs it to a bulletin
  141.                                | file.  Output  is  fully  sysop  configurable
  142.                                | using  template  files and special MCI codes.
  143.                                | All you'll ever need in a top x user bulletin
  144.                                | generator.
  145. RGTOPUSR.ZIP    17251  06-22-95  RGTOPUSR - RG Top User Lister.
  146.                                | Creates a bulletin of the top
  147.                                | 10 users on your RG BBS.
  148. RG_FAQ.ZIP       8364  08-25-95  Renegade Frequently Asked Questions
  149.                                | From The Renegade WWW Home Page.
  150. RIPNRG.ZIP     206559  05-21-95  RIP N' RENEGADE V1.00
  151.                                | This Program will allow a RENEGADE SYSOP
  152.                                | to move around his/her BBS locally in
  153.                                | FULL RIP GRAPHICS MODE.  Mouse Too!!
  154.                                | Use your own/any .rip screens ya want.
  155.                                | Very Powerful, Friendly Program.
  156. RWAVE101.ZIP   252661  08-07-95  RENEWAVE v1.01 - BLUE WAVE AND QWK COMPATIBLE
  157.                                | offline mail door for RENEGADE.  Features in-
  158.                                | clude a fully menu driven setup program, file
  159.                                | requests, keywords, filters, bundling macros,
  160.                                | bundling commands, offline configuration, and
  161.                                | much  more!  RENEWAVE is a  must-have utility
  162.                                | for any Renegade sysop, even if you only want
  163.                                | QWK offline  mail.  Much faster  and superior
  164.                                | to Renegade's internal QWK system.   Aug/'95.
  165. SCANSTAT.ZIP     8111  06-16-95  ┌───────·───·── ─ ─ ·   ··  ·   · ─ ─·──·───┐
  166.                                | │        -=- User Stat Scanner -=-          ·
  167.                                | ·  Checks if the user hung up correctly on  :
  168.                                |    his last call, his post call ratio, if
  169.                                |    he is a member and if he needs to vote
  170.                                | :  on any questions.  ANSI Support Only!
  171.                                | └───·──·─ ─  ·   · ··  ─ ─ ──·───·──────────┘
  172. SDVS_114.ZIP   184609  08-15-95  ┌────────────────────────────── ─── ── ─ ─ ·
  173.                                | │ SideDoor CBV v1.14 for Renegade 10-05+
  174.                                | │ This version has the "Are you Long Dist.?"
  175.                                | │ That many SysOps have asked for.
  176.                                | └───────────────────── ── ─ ─ ·· · ·
  177. SELMENU.ZIP      5196  05-03-95    A Dragons Mistress Production
  178.                                |   Fantasy Warez, Ink. Presents
  179.                                |      MENU SELECT LIGHT BAR
  180.                                |      Your users can select
  181.                                |   Main, Message, File, Goodbye
  182.                                | without going into any Menu Area
  183.                                |   for all RENEGADE BBS versions
  184.                                |    A FREE BEE FROM US TO YOU
  185. SUARM20.ZIP    142767  08-11-95  SHUT UP AND RUN THE MAIL, Ver. 2.0
  186.                                | Version 2.0 of the popular QWK
  187.                                | network tosser for RA 2.0 and
  188.                                | other Hudson/.MSG/Squish/JAM systems.
  189.                                | Now includes auto-decryption,
  190.                                | faster duplicate handling,
  191.                                | full integration with RA 2.02,
  192.                                | encrypted mail support, AND MORE.
  193. UUCPMENU.ZIP     4316  08-19-95  EMail.Mnu with these features:
  194.                                | »  Macro to send Internet mail through a gate
  195.                                | »  A tutorial on how to send Internet email f
  196.                                |    a Renegade BBS
  197.                                | »  If nothing else it might give you some hin
  198.                                |    on using macros within Renegade menus